Welcome to the KIDE Community Events Calendar!

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Native America Calling

Today, December 5 – Leave Twitter? Or stay and fight? For all its faults, Twitter is an effective means for

Native America Calling

Today, December 6-Native forensics: the science of justice The forensic field uses science to help gather evidence for criminal cases

IPP Meeting

Today the Klamath-Trinity Joint Unified School District, Indian Policies & procedures Task Force meets in the District Office Board Room


Meet n' Morning Walks Are you looking for a walking partner? The K'ima:w Medical Center Diabetes Prevention And Management Program

Native America Calling

Today, December 7– Publishing on your own Even after spending all that time writing your own book, there’s no guarantee

IPP Indian Education

The IPP Hoopa Indian Education Program Update meeting is today, starting at 5:30 PM in the District Board Room.

REAP Community Engagement Meeting

The Hoopa Valley Housing Authority hosts a Regional Early Action Plan Community Engagement Meeting in collaboration with the Hoopa Tribal

HS Boys Varsity Tournament

Today the Hoopa High Boys Varsity Basketball team plays at the Trinity Tournament in Weaverville.

Native America Calling

Today, December 8—ICYMI: Native issues that matter Today we catch up on some interesting and engaging topics that are important