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Native America Calling

Instead of studying business, engineering or history, many Native students pursue degrees in Native American Studies. Depending on where you go, the programs offer perspectives on treaties, wars, culture and the arts. But where does the degree lead? How do you know if it will be right for you? Students and instructors of Native American Studies programs weigh in on how and where the right program might fit in.
Native America Calling is a national call-in program that invites guests and listeners to join a dialogue about current events, music, arts, entertainment and culture. The program is hosted by Tara Gatewood (Isleta Pueblo) and airs live each weekday from 1-2 pm Eastern. Join the conversation by calling 1-800-996-2848.

Native America Calling

The election is here! It's time to celebrate the end of political ads. But first, let's give a final shout-out to the candidates and political causes. We're giving you an opportunity to share your voting ballot. We'll get perspectives from all sides about who people voted for in the presidential election and in local and tribal races. Did you vote early? Did you have any problems at the polls? Or did you choose to sit this one out? On this historic Election Day, our phone lines are open for you.Native America Calling is a national call-in program that invites guests and listeners to join a dialogue about current events, music, arts, entertainment and culture. The program is hosted by Tara Gatewood (Isleta Pueblo) and airs live each weekday from 1-2 pm Eastern. Join the conversation by calling 1-800-996-2848.

Native America Calling

The results are in. This is a historic year with the first female nominated to a major political party and the surprising rise of businessman and reality TV star Donald J. Trump. We'll talk with experts about the results of the election and what it means for our Native Nations. We'll also get a report on the victories and setbacks for Native American candidates. What did this year's election mean for you?
Native America Calling is a national call-in program that invites guests and listeners to join a dialogue about current events, music, arts, entertainment and culture. The program is hosted by Tara Gatewood (Isleta Pueblo) and airs live each weekday from 1-2 pm Eastern. Join the conversation by calling 1-800-996-2848.

Native America Calling

Native children have the highest obesity rates of any other group. There has been some progress in recent years. But a Journal of the American Medical Association study found in 2010 that obesity declined for all groups except Native American children. The NB3 Foundation is organizing a National Day of Native Youth Health and Fitness on November 13th. What kind of conversations should we be having with our kids about staying fit and healthy?
Native America Calling is a national call-in program that invites guests and listeners to join a dialogue about current events, music, arts, entertainment and culture. The program is hosted by Tara Gatewood (Isleta Pueblo) and airs live each weekday from 1-2 pm Eastern. Join the conversation by calling 1-800-996-2848.

Native America Calling

Native veterans are our honored warriors. But they still face high rates of homelessness and health challenges. How can federal and tribal veteran's programs improve the services to veterans? We'll also get an update on the National Museum of the American Indian's National Native American Veterans Memorial in the works. How do you honor the veterans in your life?
Native America Calling is a national call-in program that invites guests and listeners to join a dialogue about current events, music, arts, entertainment and culture. The program is hosted by Tara Gatewood (Isleta Pueblo) and airs live each weekday from 1-2 pm Eastern. Join the conversation by calling 1-800-996-2848.

Native America Calling

A Native pride campaign this week encourages people to wear their traditional moccasins. The Rock Your Mocs idea is meant to spread awareness of Native cultures by sparking conversations. We take you to several Native communities to find out how different moccasins are made and what they mean to those who wear them. Are you wearing your moccasins?
Native America Calling is a national call-in program that invites guests and listeners to join a dialogue about current events, music, arts, entertainment and culture. The program is hosted by Tara Gatewood (Isleta Pueblo) and airs live each weekday from 1-2 pm Eastern.
Join the conversation by calling 1-800-996-2848

Native America Calling

Young people have ideas, energy and passion. But that passion can turn into frustration when they think no one is listening to them. The Obama administration launched Generation Indigenous to help young people succeed. The UNITY group also promotes positive pathways for Native American youth. In cultures that place a high degree of respect on elders, young people must work to be taken seriously. Are there ways to keep them from getting discouraged?
Native America Calling is a national call-in program that invites guests and listeners to join a dialogue about current events, music, arts, entertainment and culture. The program is hosted by Tara Gatewood (Isleta Pueblo) and airs live each weekday from 1-2 pm Eastern.
Join the conversation by calling 1-800-996-2848.

Native America Calling

The election of Donald Trump puts the Affordable Care Act in jeopardy. The new president-elect promises to repeal what's known as Obamacare. That has possible consequences for Native Americans because it's linked to Medicaid funding and the Indian Health Care Improvement Act. We will explore some of the potential scenarios that the new president and Congress might bring forward in the coming months.

Native America Calling is a national call-in program that invites guests and listeners to join a dialogue about current events, music, arts, entertainment and culture.

The program is hosted by Tara Gatewood (Isleta Pueblo) and airs live each weekday from 1-2 pm Eastern.

Join the conversation by calling 1-800-996-2848.

Native America Calling

Smoking rates are going down, but about 40 million adults in the U.S. still light up. The chances for Native Americans picking up the habit are higher than the rest of the population. On the day designated by the American Cancer Society as the Great American Smokeout, we'll discuss tips and tricks for quitting. We'll also explore the difference between commercial and sacred tobacco. Are you ready to quit smoking?

Native America Calling is a national call-in program that invites guests and listeners to join a dialogue about current events, music, arts, entertainment and culture.

The program is hosted by Tara Gatewood (Isleta Pueblo) and airs live each weekday from 1-2 pm Eastern.

Join the conversation by calling 1-800-996-2848.

Native America Calling

Super Indian. Tribal Force. Captain Paiute. If you don't know these names then you're not yet plugged into the growing world Indigenous comics. The first ever Indigenous Comic Con is descending on Albuquerque and we're broadcasting live. Comic conventions or 'cons' began as an opportunity for hard core comic book fans to connect and geek out. But it's grown to include a much broader audience. There are a handful of comics and video games written by and about Native Americans. We'll talk with some of the artists and authors about what inspires them.
Native America Calling is a national call-in program that invites guests and listeners to join a dialogue about current events, music, arts, entertainment and culture.

The program is hosted by Tara Gatewood (Isleta Pueblo) and airs live each weekday from 1-2 pm Eastern.

Join the conversation by calling 1-800-996-2848.