Welcome to the KIDE Community Events Calendar!

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Native America Calling

Today, June 22 – Measuring the gains and losses for tribal self-governance Tribes abilities to deliver everything from law enforcement

FEMA Disaster Assistance

The Federal Emergency Management Agency, (FEMA) is conducting a mission to provide individual assistance to you, if you, suffered damage


The Federal Emergency Management Agency, (FEMA) is conducting a mission to provide individual assistance to you, if you, suffered damage

KMC: Pharmacy Night



TODAY JUNE 23RD, 2023   The NDN Center announced that Hupa Language Immersion Summer School Applications are Available, and today

Native America Calling

Today, June 23 – Stepping into the father role Native fathers by marriage sometimes have to work a little harder

FEMA Disaster Assistance

The Federal Emergency Management Agency, (FEMA) is conducting a mission to provide individual assistance to you, if you, suffered damage


TODAY JUNE 23RD, 2023 The Federal Emergency Management Agency, (FEMA) is conducting a mission to provide individual assistance to you,