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Native America Calling

Today, August 8 – Fighting to find two missing First Nations women Public pressure is mounting to search a municipal

Kimaw IRT Diabetes Clinic

Today there is a Diabetes Clinic happening with the help of the U.S. Army Innovative Readiness Training, IRT personnel. Lab

KTJUSD Board meeting

Today is the Regular KTJUSD Board Meeting. At 5:00 PM is the Town Hall portion, at 6:00 is Regular Business


TODAY AUGUST 8TH, 2023   Today is the Regular  KTJUSD Board Meeting. at 5:00pm. is in the Town Hall portion,


Kimaw IRT Dental Today there is a Dental Clinic happening with the help of the U.S. Army Innovative Readiness Training,

Native America Calling

Today, August 9 – Rez dogs: an appreciation Whether they’re strays or have attentive caretakers, the dogs that occupy reservations

Food Handler’s Class

A Food Handler's permit is required for all Food Vendors and their workers, including for the Hoopa Tribe's Sovereign Day

Kimaw IRT Diabetes Clinic

Today there is a Diabetes Clinic happening with the help of the U.S. Army Innovative Readiness Training, IRT personnel. Lab

HVTC: Emergency LPA Hearing

The Emergency LPA Public Hearing for the proposed Hoopa Valley Tribal Law Enforcement Authority Ordinance, is today at 5:30 pm


TODAY AUGUST 9TH, 2023 The Emergency LPA Hearing for the proposed Hoopa Valley Tribal Law Enforcement Authority Ordinance, is today