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Native America Calling

Today, April 2 – The Great Alaska Earthquake 60 years later The most powerful earthquake ever recorded in North America

Native America Calling

Today, April 3 – Dedication to language revitalization Roberto Múkaro Borrero spent two decades surveying historical documents and piecing together

Hoopa Fire Save Council

Create your own Landscape Vision The Hoopa Fire Save Council is designing a Strategic Plan to address fire safety in

Native America Calling

Today, April 4 – Breaking 100 years of silence over ‘the Posey War’ A crime spree by two Ute youths

HVTC Meeting

Today is a regular meeting of the Hoopa valley Tribal Council. The Executive Session begins at 1:30 PM in the

Native America Calling

Today, April 5 – Protecting the night sky Most tribes have important traditional connections to the stars and other celestial

KYML Crochet class

Today you can learn to crotchet at the Kim Yerton Memorial Library from 10 am to12 noon. Please RSVP by

6′ and Under B-ball

The Thomas Morton Memorial 6' and Under Men's' Open Basketball Tournament starts today in the Mattz Gymnasium at 10 AM.