Welcome to the KIDE Community Events Calendar!

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Opioid Task Force Mtg

The Opioid Crisis Task Force will meet today in the Fire House Classroom starting at 10 AM to 12 PM.


TODAY JULY 26TH, 2023   Summer Events are fast approaching, and a food handler's permit is required for all Food

Community Grief Circle

Today the Kimaw Medical Center, Native Connections Program offers a Community Grief Circle at the Human Services Building, on Orchard

Mesket Field Dist. Mtg.

The Mesket Field District Representative has called a meeting in the Scotish Room for today starting at 6 PM

Native America Calling

Today, July 27 – The Menu: federal ag decisions, Native bakery in Raleigh, and the (no) salmon festival Native American

Tribal Police Community Mtg.

The Tribal Police Chief is having a open Community Meeting today in the Tribal Council Chambers starting at 6 PM.

Native America Calling

Today, July 28 – Native Playlist: Nadjiwan, Saltwater Hank, and Brock Stonefish Marc Meriläinen (Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation) helps

HVT: Community Clean-Up 

 This month's Community Clean-up is at the Shooting Range at Supply Creek, today from10:00 am to Noon. You are encouraged