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Native America Calling

Today, August 29 – Hurdles ahead for Native Medicaid recipients Millions of low-income people will lose Medicaid coverage over the next year

Native America Calling

Today, August 30 – Native innovations in hip-hop’s enduring art form As fans mark the 50th anniversary of the birth of

Native America Calling

Today, August 31– The Menu: farm-to-school success and a former chef’s new book   Students at the Umoⁿhoⁿ Nation Public School

Native America Calling

Today, September 1 – Remembering Ada Deer Ada Deer was a pioneer in education as a lecturer and researcher in

Native America Calling

Today, September 4 – Native Bookshelf: Warrior Girl Unearthed by Angeline Boulley Where else can you get a young adult

Native America Calling

Today, September 5 – Native in the Spotlight: Frank Buffalo Hyde The Everson Museum of Art is featuring the work of Onondaga

Native America Calling

Today, September 6 – Holes in the food safety net Many low-income families got an unwelcome surprise after supplemental COVID

Native America Calling

Today, September 7 – Progress and setbacks for new programs combating MMIP The state of Alaska released its first-ever list

Native America Calling

Today, September 8 – Upcoming Native stage productions A number of Native-led live productions are taking the stage. They include

Native America Calling

Today, September 11– Reclaiming control of Native trails Many of the trails and byways established by Native Americans and used