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Native America Calling

Super Indian. Tribal Force. Captain Paiute. If you don't know these names then you're not yet plugged into the growing world Indigenous comics. The first ever Indigenous Comic Con is descending on Albuquerque and we're broadcasting live. Comic conventions or 'cons' began as an opportunity for hard core comic book fans to connect and geek out. But it's grown to include a much broader audience. There are a handful of comics and video games written by and about Native Americans. We'll talk with some of the artists and authors about what inspires them.
Native America Calling is a national call-in program that invites guests and listeners to join a dialogue about current events, music, arts, entertainment and culture.

The program is hosted by Tara Gatewood (Isleta Pueblo) and airs live each weekday from 1-2 pm Eastern.

Join the conversation by calling 1-800-996-2848.

Native America Calling

Taté Walker (Mniconjou Lakota) is the editor of Native Peoples Magazine. During her time overseeing this national publication that features the life and work of Native American, Alaska Natives and all First Peoples of this planet. She is an accomplished journalist and through her work over the years has raised awareness on the importance of Native art and culture. We invite you to join us as we visit with with this esteemed writer, blogger and photographer.

Native America Calling is a national call-in program that invites guests and listeners to join a dialogue about current events, music, arts, entertainment and culture. The program is hosted by Tara Gatewood (Isleta Pueblo) and airs live each weekday from 1-2 pm Eastern. Join the conversation by calling 1-800-996-2848.

Native America Calling

Food allergies among children are becoming more common. There was a 50 percent increase in the prevalence of food allergies between 1997 and 2011, according to a 2013 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study. Another 2007 study found seal and whale meat caused allergic reactions among some Alaska Natives. Figuring out what to eat can be a challenge. The problem gets even more complicated with some Native Americans who have to confront poverty and food insecurity.
Native America Calling is a national call-in program that invites guests and listeners to join a dialogue about current events, music, arts, entertainment and culture. The program is hosted by Tara Gatewood (Isleta Pueblo) and airs live each weekday from 1-2 pm Eastern. Join the conversation by calling 1-800-996-2848.

Native America Calling

Native America Calling is a national call-in program that invites guests and listeners to join a dialogue about current events, music, arts, entertainment and culture.

The program is hosted by Tara Gatewood (Isleta Pueblo) and airs live each weekday from 1-2 pm Eastern.

Join the conversation by calling 1-800-996-2848.

Native America Calling

It's Thanksgiving-a time for reflection, feasts and family. We're taking this time to rebroadcast one of our more popular shows on the tradition of hunting. It connects to the importance of sustenance, ceremony and celebration. What are the new traditions in your community?
Native America Calling is a national call-in program that invites guests and listeners to join a dialogue about current events, music, arts, entertainment and culture. The program is hosted by Tara Gatewood (Isleta Pueblo) and airs live each weekday from 1-2 pm Eastern. Join the conversation by calling 1-800-996-2848.

Native America Calling

On this Black Friday, we're shopping around for the most interesting and important Native journalism. We'll learn more about the Mormon Church foster care scandal on the Navajo Nation. We'll also check in on some previous stories we've covered and where they currently stand. We'll also shine the light on some Native news stories that you may have missed because of the election and Dakota Access pipeline coverage.
Native America Calling is a national call-in program that invites guests and listeners to join a dialogue about current events, music, arts, entertainment and culture. The program is hosted by Tara Gatewood (Isleta Pueblo) and airs live each weekday from 1-2 pm Eastern. Join the conversation by calling 1-800-996-2848.

Native America Calling

There will be as many as one million more jobs available in science, technology, engineering and math fields by 2022. That's the estimate listed by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In the second part of our series on STEM, we'll speak with Native scientists about why they chose their path. How would more Native researchers affect environmental policy decisions? Could Native engineers help solve infrastructure problems on reservations? Have you considered a career in STEM?
Native America Calling is a national call-in program that invites guests and listeners to join a dialogue about current events, music, arts, entertainment and culture.

The program is hosted by Tara Gatewood (Isleta Pueblo) and airs live each weekday from 1-2 pm Eastern.

Join the conversation by calling 1-800-996-2848.

Native America Calling

The conflict over the pipeline outside the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation is reaching a fever pitch. Last week saw the worst injury so far to a woman opposing the pipeline construction. Each side blames the other for the wound that might end up costing her arm. The injury came during a tense night in which law enforcement officers used a water hose, rubber bullets and tear gas against those who call themselves 'water protectors'. Both sides are asking for federal intervention. In an editorial, the New York Times asks "how can this possibly end well"?
Native America Calling is a national call-in program that invites guests and listeners to join a dialogue about current events, music, arts, entertainment and culture.

The program is hosted by Tara Gatewood (Isleta Pueblo) and airs live each weekday from 1-2 pm Eastern.

Join the conversation by calling 1-800-996-2848.

Native America Calling

Monday, December 5, 2016 - Fake news and trusting the media
Students from junior high on up can't tell the difference between fake news and the real deal according to a recent study from Stanford. Did you believe the story about the Pope endorsing Donald Trump. How about the one about thousands of wild buffalo suddenly appearing at the site of the Dakota Access Pipeline protest? How can we separate fact from fiction in all the digital detritus? Are we teaching our kids to ask the critical questions about where and who their information comes from?

Native America Calling is a national call-in program that invites guests and listeners to join a dialogue about current events, music, arts, entertainment and culture.

The program is hosted by Tara Gatewood (Isleta Pueblo) and airs live each weekday from 1-2 pm Eastern.

Join the conversation by calling 1-800-996-2848.

Native America Calling

Tuesday, December 6, 2016 - The importance of cooking
Cooking connects people with their food on a personal, nutritional and even spiritual level. But it's easy to drift away from your kitchen range when there's an ever-growing freezer section in the grocery store. The trend is clear in a two-year-old study by the marketing group, NPD: there's a steady decline in the number of people who say they don't cook. For Native Americans, there's the potential added loss of traditional practices. Should you spend more time in the kitchen?
Native America Calling is a national call-in program that invites guests and listeners to join a dialogue about current events, music, arts, entertainment and culture.

The program is hosted by Tara Gatewood (Isleta Pueblo) and airs live each weekday from 1-2 pm Eastern.

Join the conversation by calling 1-800-996-2848.