Welcome to the KIDE Community Events Calendar!

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HVTC: Council Meeting Rescheduled

The regular Tribal Council meeting for Thursday, June 3rd has been rescheduled to Monday, June 7th, with the Executive Session at

AM Legion: Sunday Breakfast

The Hoopa American Legion Post 415 Ladies Auxiliary will have Sunday Breakfast To Go at the Hoopa Trading Post, Midtown

Clinic Medical Assist Training

The California Rural Indian Health Board is offering free online Clinical Medical Assistant Training. This four month self paced course

HVHA: Student Rental Assistance Program 

The Hoopa Valley Housing Authority is accepting Applications for the 2021-2022 Academic year for their Student Rental Assistance Program. Qualifying

HFRC: June Food Box Day 

The Hupa Family Resource Center will be giving out food boxes to community members who meet their eligibility requirements. Please

Summer Safety Mobile Outreach

This Wednesday, you and your family can receive information on how to stay safe this Summer from the Humboldt County

OES: Air Purifier Assistance

Does your Air Purifier work? Do you need a new Filter for it? Bring your Air Purifier to have it

Happy 4th of July Breakfast

Come join the Ladies Auxiliary of American Legion Post 415 for Breakfast this Sunday, July 4th from 8:00 to 11:00

Trash and Syringe Pickup

K'ima:W Medical Center's Behavioral Health Program is spearheading a Community Trash and Syringe Pick-up, Saturday July 10th, meeting up at the