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Winter Break KTJUSD

Today is a Winter Break Day for all classrooms of the Klamath Trinity Joint Unified School District

Winter Break KTJUSD

Today is a Winter Break Day for all classrooms of the Klamath Trinity Joint Unified School District

Basketball Skill Camp

Heads up to all you Ballers: Tribal Recreation has a Skill Sharpening Camp, starting today through Thursday, at the NF

Native America Calling

Today, December 27 – If I were president What changes would you make if you were in position of authority?

Digital Navigator

At the Kim Yerton Memorial Library between 2 Pm and 5 PM Wednesdays you can get Free Tech Support with

Winter Break KTJUSD

Today is a Winter Break Day for all classrooms of the Klamath Trinity Joint Unified School District

Basketball Skill Camp

Heads up to all you Ballers: Tribal Recreation has a Skill Sharpening Camp, starting today through Thursday, at the NF

Native America Calling

Today, December 28 – The Native American Trivia Show How much do you know (and remember) about Native people and

Winter Break KTJUSD

Today is a Winter Break Day for all classrooms of the Klamath Trinity Joint Unified School District

Basketball Skill Camp

Heads up to all you Ballers: Tribal Recreation has a Skill Sharpening Camp, starting today through Thursday, at the NF