Welcome to the KIDE Community Events Calendar!

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Community Trash/Syringe Clean-Up

K'ima:w Medical Center is spearheading a Community Trash/Syringe Clean-Up, Sunday, August 16th from 9:45 am to Noon.   Meet-up at the

August Food Box

August Food Box Day

Chromebook on Loan

Tri-County Independent Living (TCIL) has Chromebooks and tablets available for long-term loans (6 - 9 months) for youth with learning

LPA Public Hearing

The Hoopa Valley Tribal Council invites your comments on the proposed Pandemic Hazard/Premium Pay Policy being routed through the LPA

Hwy 299 Delay

Caltrans District 2 warns motorists to watch out for Helicopter operations, installing mesh drapery, currently planned for this Thursday, August

Public Hearing

Public Hearing on LPA proposal today

Kimaw Dental Limited to Emergency Walk-in

K'ima:w Dental: Limited To Emergency Walk-ins ONLY Until further notice, K'ima:w Dental will be limited to emergency walk-ins ONLY. Emergency