Welcome to the KIDE Community Events Calendar!

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Native America Calling

Today, June 22 – Measuring the gains and losses for tribal self-governance Tribes abilities to deliver everything from law enforcement

FEMA Disaster Assistance

The Federal Emergency Management Agency, (FEMA) is conducting a mission to provide individual assistance to you, if you, suffered damage


The Federal Emergency Management Agency, (FEMA) is conducting a mission to provide individual assistance to you, if you, suffered damage

KMC: Pharmacy Night


NCS Baseball

Today is the NCS Baseball Championships. We will post the location, times and teams as we get the schedule.

Hupa Language Immersion

The NDN Center announced that Hupa Language Immersion Summer School Applications are Available, and today is the deadline to submit


Today is the NCS Baseball Championship. We will post the Location, temes and teams as we get the schedule.


TODAY JUNE 23RD, 2023   The NDN Center announced that Hupa Language Immersion Summer School Applications are Available, and today