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Native America Calling

Today, June 13 – Native Bookshelf: Warrior Girl Unearthed by Angeline Boulley Where else can you get a young adult

Native America Calling

Today, June 14 – Canada’s Indigenous communities brace for wildfires Wildfires in Canada are not just sending clouds of smoke

Native America Calling

Today, June 14 – Canada’s Indigenous communities brace for wildfires Wildfires in Canada are not just sending clouds of smoke

Native America Calling

Today, June 15 – Pueblo baseball through the generations  It’s the time of year when Pueblo athletes take to the

Native America Calling

Today, June 16 – ICWA reaffirmed: Victory at the U.S. Supreme Court The U.S. Supreme Court decisively rejected what many

Native America Calling

Today, June 19 – Black Seminoles: a story of survival Groups of freed and fugitive slaves sought refuge in Florida

Native America Calling

Today, June 20 – Arizona tribes face high hurdles to water rights Nearly all tribes in Arizona have a tougher

Native America Calling

Today, June 21 – Summer Solstice traditions The longest day of the year is a significant marker of time for

Native America Calling

Today, June 22 – Measuring the gains and losses for tribal self-governance Tribes abilities to deliver everything from law enforcement

Native America Calling

Today, June 23 – Stepping into the father role Native fathers by marriage sometimes have to work a little harder