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Native America Calling

Today, June 23 – Stepping into the father role Native fathers by marriage sometimes have to work a little harder

Native America Calling

Today, June 26 – Solving the housing hurdle for domestic violence survivors The National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center lists safe,

Native America Calling

Today, June 27– Southeast Alaska’s salmon emergency Tribes in southeast Alaska are sounding the alarm over low salmon numbers. They’re

Native America Calling

Today, June 28 – The Mescalero Apache Reservation at 150 This year marks 150 years since President Ulysses S. Grant

Native America Calling

Today, June 29 – Tribal search and rescue networks Whether it’s the frozen Alaska tundra or the hot, arid expanse

Native America Calling

Today, June 30, – The Menu: a historical award, new Midwest restaurant, and a new book on corn Wampanoag chef Sherry

Native America Calling

Today, July 5 – Does the end of affirmative action mean fewer Native college students? In his concurrence with the

Native America Calling

Today, July 6 – Progress in the fight to set orca free After decades of pressure by animal rights groups

Native America Calling

Today, July 7 – Indigenous access to hallucinogenic medicine Two states and several cities have decriminalized the use of hallucinogenic

Native America Calling

Today, July 10 – Hot enough? Two climate tracking agencies say the Earth just reached its hottest average temperature on