This is the live audio recording of the Hoopa Valley Tribe’s General Meeting of October 10, 2015. This was the first general meeting to be telecast on Youtube and the first to add a toll free phone number for out of the area listeners to call in comments and questions. Due to the length of this recording we had to divide it in six parts. Thank you for your patience, it was a learning curve to work the new website. The segment content follows:
Part 1: Opening broadcast introduction and contact information. Chairman Ryan Jackson opens the meeting, Councilman Shane McCullough voices opening prayer. Chairman Jackson gives overview of the State of the Tribe and an overview of the July 11, 2015 General Meeting findings. The tribal budget overview starts.
Part 2: The FY 16 budget overview continues. A brief summary of the afternoon topics is given. The Chairman invites comments from the floor. First comments re: Carbon Credits. TERO Taxation of non-tribal property. Drug treatment priority. Recovery Center. Chairman opens the floor for Planning Department to discuss the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy.
Part 3: CEDS grant writer explains Harvard study used. Joe Davis begins CEDS presentation. Comments are presented and discussed. Break for lunch.
Part 4: Chairman Jackson outlines afternoon agenda. Ramah Decision is discussed. Vice Chairman Gary Risling discusses Nepotism and Conflict of Interest Policy. Discuss followed by audience. The new Culture Committee topic opens. Audience discussion follows to end of part 4.
Part 5: Chairman Jackson closes Cultural Committee discussion and open discussion on Law Enforcement. Audience question funding. Topic changes to Public Utility operation costs. Comments back to law enforcement matters.
Part 6: First caller message relayed by KIDE staff regarding per capita. More comments and discussion of issues made by listener call-in and audience present. Chairman Jackson responds to matters presented. Closes meeting