Welcome to the KIDE Community Events Calendar!

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LPA Hearing

Today there is an LPA public hearing regarding the Land Use Plan in the Soctish Room at 5:30 to 6:30

KTJUSD Indian Education Program

The next Klamath-Trinity Joint Unified School District Indian Policies and Procedures Task Force Meeting will be held on Wednesday, November

Heritage Night

San Francisco Civic Center Native American Heritage Night Celebration This community event will feature cultural dancing, performances, light refreshments, and

Today, November 2 – Alaska at a subsistence fishing crossroads Since time immemorial, the Kuskokwim River in Southwest Alaska has

HVTC Regular Meeting

Today is the regular meeting date for the Hoopa Valley Tribal Council, the meetings are held in the Tribal Council

HVHS Football

Today the Hoopa Valley High School Warriors Football teams take on the Ferndale Wildcat teams at Home.  The JV game

Native America Calling

Today, November 3 – The next generation of Indigenous fire practitioners  Indigenous communities are revitalizing traditional ways of fire management