Welcome to the KIDE Community Events Calendar!

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Emergency Crisis Assistance

Hoopa TANF is offering Community Non-Reoccurring Emergency Assistance for those who qualify. This assistance may be provided to eligible needy

Dislocated Worker Funds

Humboldt County Department of Health And Human Services is offering through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, emergency dislocated worker

Supplemental Food Boxes

Hupa Family Resource Center will be giving out supplemental food boxes to community members. Food box applications will be available

July Fresh Produce

Humboldt County DHHS will be doing a fresh produce distribution, as well as assistance with CalFresh and Medi-Cal Applications, Wednesday,

KEET TV Reception

Are you a KEET-TV viewer in Hoopa Valley? Do you experience pixelated or audio distortions? Has KIEM-TV shown on your

Community Trash/Syringe Clean-Up

K'ima:w Medical Center is spearheading a Community Trash/Syringe Clean-Up, Sunday, August 16th from 9:45 am to Noon.   Meet-up at the

August Food Box

August Food Box Day

Chromebook on Loan

Tri-County Independent Living (TCIL) has Chromebooks and tablets available for long-term loans (6 - 9 months) for youth with learning

KTJUSD Board of Trustees

KTJUSD: District Board of Trustees has Seats open for public election       The Klamath Trinity Joint Unified School District

LPA Public Hearing

The Hoopa Valley Tribal Council invites your comments on the proposed Pandemic Hazard/Premium Pay Policy being routed through the LPA