TODAY AUGUST 9TH, 2023 The Emergency LPA Hearing for the proposed Hoopa Valley Tribal Law Enforcement Authority Ordinance, is today
HVTC: Emergency LPA Hearing
The Emergency LPA Public Hearing for the proposed Hoopa Valley Tribal Law Enforcement Authority Ordinance, is today at 5:30 pm
HVTC Meeting
The Hoopa Valley Tribal Council meets is regular session today. The Executive session begins at 1:30 PM. The Open Session
Norton Field Dist. Mtg.
The Norton Field District representative has call a District meeting for today in the Soctish Room starting at 6 PM.
Mesket Field Dist. Mtg.
The Mesket Field District Representative has called a meeting in the Scotish Room for today starting at 6 PM
TODAY JUNE 20TH, 2023 Today is the regular session of the Hoopa Valley Tribl Council. The Executive Session begins
Council Meeting
Today is a regular session of the Hoopa Valley Tribal Council. The Executive Session begins at 1:30 PM. The Open
TODAY JULY 6TH, 2023 Today is the regular meeting of the Hoopa Valley Tribal Council. The Executive Session
Council Meeting
Today is the regular meeting of the Hoopa Valley Tribal Council. The Executive Session starts at 1:30 PM in the
TODAY JUNE 30TH, 2023 Today is the weekly Sovereign Day meeting in the Tribal