A report on the chemicals present in microwave popcorn. Transcript (PDF format) [sdm_download id=”18089″ fancy=”0″]
KIDEFM Hoopa Tribal Radio
2015 01 20 Exercise
A report on how dramatically vigorous exercise can slow down the aging process. Transcript (PDF Format) [sdm_download id=”18087″ fancy=”0″]
2015 01 27 Diet Pills
A report on the safety and effectiveness of diet pills, both natural and prescription. Transcript (PDF Format) [sdm_download id=”18085″
2015 02 03 Arsenic and Rice
A report on the presence of arsenic in rice and rice products, with an explanation of the dangers this poses
2015 02 10 Evolution of Health and Disease
A report on the preventative and curative benefits of the HEARTMATH institute’s tools and techniques. [sdm_download id=”18081″ fancy=”0″]
2015 02 24 Why Avoid Canned Foods
Episode describing why we should avoid canned foods. [sdm_download id=”18079″ fancy=”0″]
2015 03 15 Eco-Eggs
A discussion of health risks posed by industrially produced eggs and why the higher cost of organic or free range
2015 03 17 Good Stress vs Bad Stress
A discussion regarding stress’ toll on contemporary life and why, at the same time, physical stress is good for us;
2015 04 07 Tips On Back Pain
Chronic back pain can be alleviated. Posture is key, whether standing, sitting, bending, sleeping, etc. A summary of how to
2015 04 21 Walking Speed
This report discusses walking speed as a vital sign indicator of health. [sdm_download id=”18071″